To Sing What I Mean

 I must say, it has been terribly long since my last blog - sometimes it seems good to have some spaces from something, but then suddenly, its weeks and weeks that have slunk by and - behold! - nothing. I hope that I can settle back into some measure of consistency. 


I've sung for idols far and wide
I played my music for the gods
Outfitted songs to colour our leaves
But inwardly, mud in my streets

I want to sing what I mean
And know that I'm forgiven

My instruments, broken, detuned
Stunted branches; the strings, severed
I played, unknown, from a dead mind
I looked upon my own dead eyes

I want to sing what I mean
And know I am clean and am healed

I sat in the dust and the dirt
Thinking that I knew how it worked
Dancing to hellish melodies
I  lost myself in a far land

I want to sing what  I mean
And take heart in your words to me

I have no instrument now; no, no voice
So, then, take this life - I brought all I have
And strain a note of love from every choice


The subject of idols...well, actually, I'll write about that next time.
Till then, stay safe.
(Cf. Matt 9:2, 22)


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